Graduated with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering form Iowa State University in 2024.
Iowa State University Courses
Electrical Engineering
- EE 201: Intro to circuits. Identified basic electronic components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) and learned basic circuit analysis tools (Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s Circuit Laws, node voltage method, mesh current method, thevenin equivalent circuit).
- EE 224: Signals and Systems 1. Introduction to the frequency domain. Used Fourier Transform on linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. Impulse response and convolution.
- EE 230: Electronic Circuits and Systems. Compute transfer functions, discuss operational amplifers, digital to analog converters (DACs), analog to digital converters (ADCs), and 1st and 2nd order high pass and low pass filters.
- EE 285: Intro to C programming.
- EE 303: Intro to energy systems and power electronics. Discuss transmission lines, 3 phase power, and the power triangle.
- EE 311: Electromagnetic fields and waves.
- EE 322: Intro to probability.
- EE 324: Systems and signals 2. Laplace transform and z transform. Feedback loops and root locus analysis. Breif introduction to PID controllers.
- EE 330: Integrated electronics. Modeling diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETs. Use Cadence and Verilog to design and simulate integrated circuits.
- EE 332: Intro to semiconductor material and device physics. Discuss how MOSFETs, BJTs, and diodes function on a paricle-level. Calculate doping concentrations, band gap energies and conductvity of materials. Discuss the fabrication process of semiconductor devices.
- EE 333: PCB design. Project based class. Designed PCBs in KiCad, ordered components on Digikey, soldered and tested PCBs, wrote reports on results. This class is where I started the custom digital watch design discussed under the projects tab.
- EE 465: Digital VLSI design. Design Layout for DFF in Cadence. Converted boolean expressions and logic circuits into Verilog. Synthesized the Verilog using the Genus Synthesis tool. Compared the power consumption, area, and clock frequency between different synthesized architectures.
- EE 491 and EE 492: Senior Design 1 and 2. My specific senior design project (discussed under the projects tab) was creating a testbench for a batteryless sensor node network.
Computer Engineering
- CPRE 281: Intro to digital logic. Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential logic design, finite state machines, and intro to some digital design tools including Questasim. Final project was designing a logic circuit that could run on an FPGA.
- CPRE 288: Intro to embedded C programming. Program a microcontroller to operate a modified roomba. The roomba has a ping sensor, IR sensor, and bump sensor to identify objects in its environment.
- CPRE 381: Computer organization and assembly level programming. Write MIPS assembly. Convert C into MIPS assembly and convert MIPS assmbly into machine code. Use VHDL to design a MIPS processor (shown in project tab). Test VHDL with Questasim.